Tuesday 9 March 2010

Why suffering is good...

Isn't it odd how the things that give you most back also take the most out of you?

I have to say that I am absolutely shattered - sleepless nights with my 2 year old son and work is really hectic now but I'm getting a lot back from both. Your own kids never cease to reward you - it's all the small things that warm your cockles such as when you offhandedly say something like 'that's better' when finishing changing a dirty nappy and then the little one mimics you... 'that's better'. It's only a small gesture but it means the world and that's where you get the payback for the suffering...

The list is seemingly endless though - exercise, drinking and smoking, just for starters, they all knacker you one way or another but I guess the payback is questionable (at least with the latter two!)...

Matchsticks anyone?

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